React with Parcel ?

Senath Sadeesha
2 min readMay 17, 2021

It’s said by many of the developers that Webapack configurations are very hard.Lot’s ofboilerplate configurations are confusing and complex.

After all thes complains Facebook came forward to provide a solution for this issue,and they came up with a preconfigured React-app.

npx create-react-app my-app

However this might be a best solution for this Webpack issue ,but this command installs many unwanted dependancies to node_modules and take lot of space for a React-app.

What is parcel ?

Parcel is a zero configuration web application bundler ,it’s very simple than webpack and is less confusing and easy to get the setup work on.

Step 1

Create a new folder for you project.

Step 2

Create a node project as usual.

npm init

Step 3

install the parcel dependency next,

npm install — save-dev parcel-bundlerornpm parcel

The only difference of these 2 command is that,

They are identical only difference is that plugins usually rely on parcel-bundler, so it’s better to use that one.

step 4

Then install React and React DOM to your node project.

npm install react react-dom

Step 5

Then add a “Start” script to your package.json.

Step 6

Then create an index.html file.

  1. Then add a <div> tag in the body tag of index.html

2. Secondly enter a script to include the javascript entry file taht we are going to make in the next step.

Step 7

Create the index.js file,and include the below code

Step 8

Finally start the project as npm start.

If you are really interested in using ‘parcel’ in your project, please don’t think twice to refer thh parcel documentation

